Monday, August 30, 2010

Post 2- Personality

I was pretty far off on what I thought my personality was. The test said that I was a guardian and I felt that I was more artisan and guardian was third on my order list.

I feel that my result from the test would be better in being a leader for teachers because guardian says that they are stabilizing leaders which is what adults are looking for is someone who is stable and can give them answers, where as if the personality test would have been right with my guess (artisan) then I feel that I would be a better leader for students because they are more of a troubleshooting leader, which is what kids are looking for because they are always trying to solve problems.

Either way I feel that both artisan and guardian are have great qualities, however I still feel that I am more artisan despite what the test shows.

Post 1- Personality

  • My experience with personality tests in the past has been very good. If you're are honest with the questions the test usually matches the person very well.

  •  I think my personality would be idealist, artisan, guardian, and rational based upon the descriptions.

  • I chose idealist as the personality that fits me best because if I had to look at myself and judge myself based upon a list of facts then idealist fits me best because I feel like I am a strong leader, yet I care alot about people and love helping others. Even though I am all about independence I am a hopeless romantic at heart. I felt that idealist description best fits those qualities that I see in myself.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

All about Ashley

My name is Ashley Phillips. I am a junior at Fairmont State and I am majoring in Elementary Education. I would love to teach second garde. I have a job at a day care center here in Fairmont, and I grew up in Tucker County WV. I think I am a very creative person, but I am a horrible test taker. Once I have my degree I would love to getting a teaching job in NY or NC.  I may be from a small town, but my heart is in the city!