Monday, October 25, 2010

Power Point

I read all the information and looked at the examples. However, I am not quite sure if I did it right, but I gave it a shot. I did a lesson on hygiene in Power Point and then I uploaded it to slideshare.

View more presentations from Ash104C.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

On Line Class

Today we didn't have class, but we did have an assigment.
For todays assignment the entire class edited a google doc at the same time, it was really interesting, but I had trouble at first because my screen kept telling me that I needed to veiw the full site and I had NO idea had to do that, but I finally figured it out and was able to get my information typed in! It was a way to get information without copying and pasting everything. We then took the information that was entered into the document and maped it. The program we used was batchego.This program allowed us to copy and paste information into it then it did everything else. All of the addresses that the class entered were marked on a map, which I thought was pretty cool!

My map is located at

Once I got the hang of it, it was really cool and I am very interested in using it now! I would use this in a classroom because this is something that I feel would amaze anyone and especially kids would find this to be something excitting and new.
 The NETS that go along with this assignment are
1D: model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

I chose this one because we still learned new things, but not in a classroom environment.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I already had a Resume so this was a quick process for me. I had it saved to microsoft word documents. Therefore, I was able to go to google docs and just upload it. I really thought this was a interesting way to get my resume out there because it was just last week that the day care that I work for asked to have a copy of my updated resume, it would be eaiser then priniting it off everytime someone wants to see my resume.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Google Calendar

My google calendar.

Teaching Organization

The teaching organization that I chose was The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

The next annual congerence metting is November 3, 2010 in Anaheim California, in collaboration with the National Black Child Development Institute

This website offers you latest news, publications of magazines and books,  it has an introduction to what the NAEYC is, and you can also become a memember through this website.
3D and 5C- Teaching Standards

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Excel Grade Sheet Assigment

Today in class we worked with a list of pretend students grades. In the Excel Sheet we had to use the help menu in Excel to write our own IF function. We also had to find the min, the max, and the average of the grades. Once we did all that we added a background color and we added borders to the cells. I found this activity easy and I do believe it will benefit me in the future.